1(870) 395-7441


3006 S. Olive Street

Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71603

Premise Liability

Premise liability means that you can be financially compensated for injuries you have obtained because a landowner or a homeowner failed to keep their property safe or free of unsafe conditions. Homeowners and landowners have a legal duty to make sure their premises are safe and free from unreasonable dangerous conditions. They also have a legal duty to warn others of dangerous conditions that they either knew or should have known about.

If land and home owners are found liable because of an unsafe condition, they could be required by the courts to compensate you for any pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost earnings or wages related to your injury.

Examples of premise liability claims include, but are not limited to the following:

• Slip-and-fall injuries
• Unsafe conditions in the home or on the land
• Dog bites
• Injuries sustained in a store or injuries caused by store products
• Injuries resulting from inadequate security on the premises
• Injuries caused by contractors hired by land/homeowners

This is not an exhaustive list of possible claims that could be brought against the land and homeowners. King Law would like to investigate your potential premise liability claim.

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1(870) 395-7441
Mon-Fri, 9am until 6pm

The King Law Center